Blog Musings

Love and Fear

January 31, 2023 Eileen 0Comment


I fully believe that we are presented with learning opportunities every single day of our lives, and recently I have experienced an abundance of lessons!

The biggest lesson has been about Integrity.

Integrity is one of my most important core values, and it took a loving and courageous friend to show me where I was not fully honouring it.

I was not practicing what I preach to everyone willing to listen about being kind to yourself, and allowing your unique and precious light to shine!

Which brings me to the topic of this week’s blog

Love and Fear.

Because I was out of alignment with my Integrity, I was interacting with the world from a place of Fear, rather than from Love.

Most of us grew up thinking the Hate is the opposite of Love, but it’s not that simple!

The flip side of Love is Fear, and hate is only one symptom of that fear..

Greed, lack, anxiety, and self-deprecation are other examples of the symptoms of Fear.

And, just like Love, Fear is a dynamic energy – sometimes fierce and loud, and sometimes soft and whispering.

That’s why it’s often difficult to tell them apart!

But there is one simple question that will clearly show you the source of the energy.


THIS’ could be

  •  A thought
  • An action
  • A Person
  • A situation

Love-based energy empowers.

Fear-based energy disempowers.

This doesn’t equate to



It simply underlines the fact that we always have a choice – and that LOVE is the best option for all concerned.

Remember to tune into that Love-based energy and BE KIND, especially to yourself!