Life On Full Beam
My mantra for most of my life was ‘Blessed are those who expect nothing for they shall not be disappointed.’
I expected nothing and that’s exactly what I got!
Sometimes, life was very good to me and surprised me with wonderful blessings in spite of my neutral attitude.
Most of the time, I coasted along, making do, getting by and surrounded by mediocrity.
Everything was alright.
But very little was WONDERFUL
I was going through life on my parking lights.
Very occasionally, I might self-consciously switch on my headlights for a short time. But I’d quickly turn them off again for fear of drawing attention to myself. For fear of shining a light on my inadequacies.
It felt safer if I couldn’t be seen, but that also meant that I could not clearly see my way forward.
It took a lifetime for me to dare to turn on my full beams!
Now that I’ve changed my perspective, I see so many amazing people playing small.
Is this you?
- You’re afraid to make awesome plans or set big goals.
- You wish they could do this, that or the other but are scared to move towards making it happen.
- You KNOW in your heart and soul that there is more your can Be, Do and Have but don’t know where or how to start.
The sad fact is, until you step up and face that fear you simply can’t progress.
Yes, it’s risky to even admit that you want more from your life, your finances, your relationships.
Yes, it takes courage to put your hand up and admit ‘This is not enough for me’ – whatever ‘this’ means to you.
But, as soon as you find the courage to do that ….
As soon as you lift your eyes, raise your hopes and shift your perspective
I’ve been in the ‘Expect Less so I can’t be Disappointed’ Club!
I know all the ‘reasons’ – aka excuses – a person can use to justify staying there.
I’ve probably even invented a few of them!
But, I also know that life doesn’t have to suck all the time.
But, I also know that life doesn’t have to suck all the time.
Of course, shit happens and you have to deal with it.
Of course, really BAD things happen to really, really GOOD people every single day.
Of course, the world is in a big hot mess right now on so many levels.
But the shit and the bad stuff and the mess do not have to define us – unless we choose to allow it that privilege.
Here’s a little tip to get you started.
Lift your breastbone.
That’s it!
The place where your ribs meet in the middle, imagine that gently floating upwards.
As soon as you lift your breastbone, you drop your shoulders drop and your spine and neck lengthen.
Your whole posture improves.
Your perspective changes.
You can look life – or any challenging situation – right in the eye and say…
‘I am here.
I am me.
And I am worthy of better!’
Imagine that your nipples are on FULL BEAM and shine your unique and beautiful light!
Fake it til you make it if you must – but give it a go.